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Tiffany Alvord – 7 Things testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

7 Things - Tiffany Alvord

parole da studiare

I probably shouldn't say this

But at times I get so scared

When I think about the previous

Relationship we shared

It was awesome, but we lost it

It's not possible for me not to care

And now we're standing in the rain

And nothing's ever gonna change until you hear

My dear

The seven things I hate about you

The seven things I hate about you

Oh, you

You're vain

Your games

You're insecure

You love me, you like her

You made me laugh, you made me cry, I don't know which side to buy

Your friends, they're jerks, and when you act like them, just know it hurts

I wanna be

With the one I know

And the seventh thing I hate the most that you do

You make me love you

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