Some of you all never been down South too much...

I'm gonna tell you a little story, so you'll understand where I'm talking about

Down there we have a plant that grows out in the woods and the fields,

and it looks something like a turnip green.

Everybody calls it Polk salad. Now that's Polk salad.

Used to know a girl that lived down there and

she'd go out in the evenings to pick a mess of it...

Carry it home and cook it for supper, 'cause that's about all they had to eat,

But they did all right.

Down in Louisiana

Where the alligators grow so mean

Lived a girl that I swear to the world

Made the alligators look tame

Polk salad Annie

'Gators got your granny

Everybody said it was a shame

For the mama was working on the chain-gang

What a mean, vicious woman

Everyday before suppertime

wretched - infelice
world - mondo
woman - donna
where - dove
claimed - ha sostenuto
stealing - furto
lived - ha vissuto
little - piccolo
salad - insalata
vicious - vizioso
fields - i campi
grows - cresce
everyday - ogni giorno
annie - annie
chain - catena
before - prima
evenings - serate
everybody - tutti
straight - dritto
about - di
talking - parlando
mercy - misericordia
alligators - alligatori
daddy - papà
louisiana - Louisiana
brothers - fratelli
granny - nonna
story - storia
count - contare
watermelons - angurie
carry - trasportare
patch - toppa
never - mai
working - lavoro
looks - sembra
truck - camion
plant - pianta
razor - rasoio
right - destra
calls - chiamate
shame - vergogna
woods - boschi
something - qualcosa
gonna - andando
south - sud
supper - cena
there - là
suppertime - suppertime
green - verde
swear - giurare
turnip - rapa
understand - capire

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