Well with buck shot eyes and a purple heart

I rolled down the national stroll

and with a big fat paycheck

strapped to my hip sack

and a shore leave wristwatch underneath

my sleeve

in a Hong Kong drizzle on Cuban heels

I rowed down the gutter to the Blood Bank

and I'd left all my papers on the Ticonderoga

and was in a bad need of a shave

and so I slopped at the corner on cold chow mein

and shot billards with a midget

until the rain stopped

and I bought a long sleeved shirt

with horses on the front

and some gum and a lighter and a knife

wrote - ha scritto
wristwatch - orologio da polso
wondered - chiesti
stroll - passeggiare
letter - lettera
filipino - filippina
heels - tacchi
knife - coltello
until - fino a
singapore - Singapore
illinois - Illinois
front - davanti
horses - cavalli
baseball - baseball
stopped - fermato
underneath - sotto
heart - cuore
blood - sangue
corner - angolo
gutter - grondaia
cuban - cubano
strapped - legato
squeezing - spremitura
could - poteva
bought - comprato
dragon - drago
floor - pavimento
cards - carte
chinatown - chinatown
drizzle - pioggerella
lieutenant - tenente
trying - provare
girls - ragazze
lighter - accendino
purple - viola
lousy - schifoso
national - nazionale
pacing - pacing
papers - documenti
paycheck - stipendio
rolled - laminato
outside - al di fuori
rowed - remato
shave - farsi la barba
shirt - camicia
talked - parlato
myself - me stessa
shore - puntellare
sleeve - manica
there - là
sleeved - maniche
sling - fionda
leave - partire
midget - nano
slopped - traboccò

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