[First Verse]
Im used to
going "7 Whole Days" and not hearing from him
and im used to
him "Unbreaking My Heart" then breaking it again
im used to
him never really being "...Man Enough For Me" and always "Talking In His Sleep" but never talking bout me
[Pre Chorus]
Thought it was love
telling me all that pain
thought it was me and just couldnt please a man
just when i thought it wouldnt happen for me
Finally found someone to trust and finally found someone who listens to go out i found my fianlly
know im fiannly gettin it like i need it shorties tryna pull and reach him
oh so long i found my finally (finally)
[Second Verse]
whole - totale
where - dove
found - trovato
gotta - devo
gettin - gettin
belong - appartenere
dreamin - dreamin
sleep - dormire
felling - abbattimento
wouldnt - wouldnt
happen - accadere
couldnt - couldnt
heart - cuore
movie - film
going - andando
listens - ascolta
cause - causa
always - sempre
chorus - coro
thought - pensato
finally - finalmente
another - un altro
because - perché
count - contare
please - per favore
enough - abbastanza
beatin - beatin
breaking - rottura
tryna - tryna
again - ancora
story - storia
breathin - Breathin
since - da
really - veramente
hearing - udito
telling - raccontare
trust - fiducia
never - mai
being - essere
reach - raggiungere
making - fabbricazione
second - secondo
shorties - shorties
someone - qualcuno
talking - parlando
first - primo
wanna - voglio
almost - quasi
verse - versetto
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