Seems that I had just to stay
the birds have flown, the sky's turned gray
The bees have ruffled by the flowers
Plastic plants that never die and I
Hope they never find me here
I walked upon synthetic grass where little people said
"Don't ask about the field where you once played
world - mondo
where - dove
waiting - in attesa
vacuum - vuoto
there - là
synthetic - sintetico
stage - palcoscenico
seems - sembra
ruffled - arruffato
replaced - sostituito
played - giocato
plastic - plastica
grass - erba
drive - guidare
concentrated - concentrato
broken - rotto
about - di
turned - trasformato
flown - volato
begun - iniziato
plants - piante
buttercups - ranuncoli
dying - sta morendo
horse - cavallo
blacksmith - maniscalco
birds - uccelli
factories - fabbriche
field - campo
trade - commercio
final - finale
walked - camminava
atomic - atomico
flowers - fiori
leave - partire
people - persone
little - piccolo
changed - cambiato
meals - i pasti
never - mai
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