There was a mountain on the table of bills that needed paid Dishes in the kitchen sink like dreams that never fade
A wild imagination of convicts in the yard
Never enough time to make ends meet
So they put it on a credit card, don’t we all?
You may not know just where you came from, but once upon a time
There was a carpenter, a bartender, a broken fishing line
Just south of Royal Teeth in the town that I came from
There were architects and astronauts
But the only one she loved was a prison guard
And that’s the only time I ever saw true love
And Erica’s a girl I liked in Georgia
Alone and kept me warm in Eugene
I guess my mother loved too hard
Set the bar too high to the sky
yesterday - ieri
wherever - dovunque
where - dove
there - là
eugene - eugene
dreams - sogni
dishes - piatti
imagination - immaginazione
south - sud
enough - abbastanza
loved - amato
clothes - abiti
would - voluto
credit - credito
close - vicino
mountain - montagna
astronauts - astronauti
clean - pulito
prison - prigione
charlotte - carlotta
laying - posa
architects - architetti
erica - erica
alone - da solo
broken - rotto
never - mai
bartender - barista
carpenter - falegname
bills - fatture
cause - causa
guard - guardia
teeth - denti
death - morte
convicts - detenuti
fishing - pesca
instead - anziché
guess - indovina
brooklyn - brooklyn
georgia - Georgia
kitchen - cucina
worked - lavorato
liked - è piaciuto
loving - amorevole
mother - madre
betty - betty
needed - necessaria
whoever - chiunque
table - tavolo
painting - la pittura
orleans - orleans
promise - promettere
royal - reale
sydney - sydney
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