You're not the only one

Amongst the saints and sinners

There are those that we can see

And those no longer with us

To take that walk again

With someone you were close to

On stage in the other world tonight

And there are many

Who will say it's speculation

We need to focus on

The sleeping generation

The healing vision

That extends beyond the pain

Will take you there and back again

worlds - mondi
world - mondo
dimension - dimensione
close - vicino
remember - ricorda
furthest - più lontano
fountain - fontana
heartbeat - battito cardiaco
sinners - peccatori
focus - messa a fuoco
journey - viaggio
other - altro
peace - pace
exploration - esplorazione
between - fra
every - dejte pozor
share - condividere
clear - chiaro
amongst - tra
again - ancora
walking - a passeggio
inside - dentro
generation - generazione
there - là
burning - ardente
around - in giro
revealing - rivelando
healing - guarigione
exploding - che esplode
extends - si estende
dreamers - sognatori
moment - momento
saints - santi
silence - silenzio
sleeping - addormentato
space - spazio
someone - qualcuno
stranger - sconosciuto
speculation - speculazione
spoke - ha parlato
tonight - stasera
stage - palcoscenico
beyond - al di là
through - attraverso
those - quelli
longer - più a lungo
touched - toccato
vision - visione

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