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Van Canto – Quest For Roar testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Quest For Roar - Van Canto

parole da studiare

This is the quest for roar!

The quest for roar!

At the end of the day we are what we are,

Still carrying the name they gave to us.

But nevertheless we're feeling a change.

A thousand voices inside are screaming out loud.

We beg for every one to return a shout.

The course of time, now rearranged.

We are all but lost forever.

Our short time here will never last.

At least we know what we are living for.

This is the quest for roar.

The quest for more.

It is the quest for metal we're fighting for.

From deep within

With all our hearts.

We're fighting for the quest for roar.