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Van Halen – When It's Love testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

When It's Love - Van Halen

parole da studiare


Everybody's lookin' for somethin'

Somethin' to fill in the holes

We think a lot but don't talk much about it

'Till things get out of control, oh!

How do I know when it's love?

I can't tell you but it lasts forever

Oh! How does it feel when it's love?

It's just somethin' you feel together

When it's love

You look at every face in a crowd

Some shine and some keep you guessin'

Waiting for someone to come into focus

Teach you your final love lesson


How do I know when it's love?

I can't tell you but it lasts forever

Oh! How does it feel when it's love?