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Waterparks – Easy To Hate testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Easy To Hate - Waterparks

parole da studiare

Frustrate me backwards into bed

My blue and green, they turned to red, oh

I used to save the words you said

In the texts that you would send when you were going to bed

It's like you were yellow but the lights were red

We both know you'd never stop until we both stop dead, it's like

You're selfish and a half

And the other half is me

Who's apparently not mad enough

To get up and to leave

It's too easy to hate you, and hard to love

It's too easy to hate you, when was it not?

All that I can do is fall in blame with you

It's too easy to hate you, hate you

You're hard to love

(You're hard to love)

I'll change the colors on my head