Didn't she let yo down
She's a teaser on the catwalk
She's a teaser on the catwalk
Don't you believe in her
She's attractive and she knows it
Watch your step
You will ask for a good thing
But I might turn you down
I'm a woman of desire
You'll be one in the line
Can you understand if I say to you
You'll burn your fingers here
I'm an average fallen angel
But I'm here to stay
understand - capire
thing - cosa
taste - gusto
stuck - incollato
teaser - occhiolino
round - il giro
pollinate - impollinare
passion - passione
mastermind - mente
maneater - mangiatrice di uomini
irresistible - irresistibile
innocent - innocente
woman - donna
hunger - fame
fruit - frutta
forbidden - proibito
catch - catturare
bumblebee - bombo
flower - fiore
knows - conosce
angel - angelo
control - controllo
belonging - appartenente
since - da
eternity - eternità
afraid - impaurito
attractive - attraente
learned - imparato
biggest - maggiore
catwalk - passerella
searching - ricerca
coming - venuta
fingers - dita
another - un altro
desire - desiderio
believe - credere
emotions - emozioni
never - mai
neighbor - vicino
average - media
favour - favore
watch - orologio
flying - volante
might - potrebbe
fallen - caduto
fools - sciocchi
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