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Yuna – Fading Flower testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Fading Flower - Yuna

parole da studiare

You got that walk walk walk

Got that talk talk talk

Got that swagger-er-er

Such a glamour-our-our

You're like a real life doll

With your hair that falls

Like niagara-a-a

But that don't matter-er-er

Cause that don't change the fact

That your heart is black

You can't tear me down

Beat me to the ground

Try to block my sunshine

My blue skies with your clouds

And who do you think you are

Yeah that won't get you far

You may think you're pretty

But you'll see that beauty

Is a fading flower

Fading flow-ow-ow-ower

Fading flow-ow-ow-ower

You'll only play play play

If you get your way always

In the center-er-er

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