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Zac Brown Band – Young And Wild testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Young And Wild - Zac Brown Band

parole da studiare

(I remember, I remember back in the day)

When I look up at the stars

No matter where you are

You're always in my heart

You're always in my heart

When the walls are closing in

You're the sun upon my skin

You're always where I am

You're always where I am

Wild child

Living in the moment

World in my arms

Too young to know it

Oh, you made me feel so alive

(We were young and wild)

Had a good thing going

But we couldn't make it

Even if I could

I wouldn't change it

When I look back I just smile

We were young and wild

When I was feeling black and blue

I could always count on you

You always made me new

Always made me new

And even though it was the end