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Zara Larsson – Never Gonna Die testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Never Gonna Die - Zara Larsson

parole da studiare

Do you recognize this sound anymore

Do you recognize the sound of my voice

Does it get drowned in the noise

I wonder if you've found what you want

Maybe I'm telling myself

a lie, when I stay

I'm the only one still on your mind

And you will be mine, someday

I feel you when I'm in the dark

I still don't know how to move on

I'm sickened of love, but I feel in my guts

Yeah I know, that you're the one

Used to say forever but is never now

Thought we be together but we're seperated now

You are my first, and that's why it hurts

The fire it burns

Ain't it ever gonna die

Now ain't it ever gonna die

Now ain't it ever gonna

Is is even worth the time anymore

It's different this time ain't it boy

Cause that's always what you say, what you say

But I'm better at the games that you play

I'm taking back what's mine

Cause you said, it's forever