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I gotta say, champ, this is
really just amazingly thorough.
Buried treasure!
These must be those...
The home movies your mum used
to send to me when I first moved away.
Why did you move away?
We were young.
Too young. You know,
we had big dreams, and...
What kind of dreams?
Well, your mum wanted to go
to Art college.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- She didn't go, but she wanted to.
- What happened?
Because Mum got pregnant with me.
Mum never regretted having you.
You were only ever good news.
And I know that for a fact,
because the one thing
she regretted was marrying me.
Why did she marry you, then?
Because I'm handsome.
Your mum was amazing, and she still is.
And we were in love.
I mean, I still love her.
But, you see, the...
Love isn't enough.
It doesn't carry you through.
So, you didn't get happily ever after.
No, but that's life, you know?
Most of us just get messily ever after.
That's alright.
But, you know, I'm happy
you turned out like her.
wanted - ricercato
through - attraverso
those - quelli
thing - cosa
pregnant - incinta
these - queste
never - mai
college - università
champ - campione
movies - film
carry - trasportare
marrying - sposare
because - perché
dreams - sogni
buried - sepolto
after - dopo
gotta - devo
amazing - stupefacente
alright - tutto apposto
still - ancora
amazingly - incredibilmente
young - giovane
treasure - tesoro
thorough - completo
regretted - pentito
enough - abbastanza
handsome - bello
happily - felicemente
happy - contento
really - veramente
first - primo
having - avendo
turned - trasformato
marry - sposare
messily - messily
happened - è accaduto
moved - mosso
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