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You wanna make this interesting?
If I can shoot six out of six on Albert's behalf, you owe him a dollar.
- If I can't, he owes you a dollar. - Wait, what?
A dollar? I've never seen a dollar.
Nobody's got a dollar! Let us see the dollar!
Well, this is interesting.
All right.Do your best, ma'am.
How fast can this thing go?
Oh, you can play double or triple speeds, but that's for the experts.
As fast as you can.
Holy shit!
- Congratulations! You're a winner! - Thank you.
Come on, you owe him a dollar.
There it is! It's beautiful!
Take your hat off, boy. That's a dollar bill!
Well, a man whose girlfriend does his shooting for him. Isn't that a fine how-do-you-do?
I said, "isn't that a fine how-do-you-do?"
How is that funny? Why? Wh.. What's funny about that?
"How do you do" is a greeting. Why is that funny? You, wh... why are you laughing?
I don't know. He was laughing.
It seems your ex-boyfriend doesn't have a sense of humor.
I can see why you dumped him.
Hey! You wanna back up that attitude, asshole?
Oh, you are kidding.
Never been more serious in my life. You and me, pistols.
- You wouldn't have a prayer, kiddo. - Tomorrow, 8:00 a.m., sharp.
All right, challenge accepted!
Oh, gosh. Tomorrow is bad for me, and I really wanna be there.
Why don't we say a week from today?
That works for you, right, Albert?
Yeah, yeah, that's fine. A week from today.
I got sheep stuff I gotta do tomorrow, anyway.
One week.
Come on, Louise. I'll buy you some sugared butter shavings.
works - lavori
winner - vincitore
whose - di chi
triple - triplicare
greeting - saluto
never - mai
funny - divertente
serious - grave
experts - esperti
interesting - interessante
prayer - preghiera
kidding - prendendo in giro
seems - sembra
girlfriend - fidanzata
right - destra
challenge - sfida
gotta - devo
wanna - voglio
albert - albert
attitude - atteggiamento
dumped - scaricati
behalf - per conto
boyfriend - fidanzato
accepted - accettato
dollar - dollaro
thank - ringraziare
anyway - comunque
about - di
beautiful - bellissimo
sheep - pecora
asshole - stronzo
sense - senso
butter - burro
humor - umorismo
kiddo - kiddo
congratulations - complimenti
louise - Louise
really - veramente
laughing - che ride
sharp - acuto
shavings - trucioli
double - raddoppiare
shooting - tiro
stuff - cose
pistols - pistole
sugared - zuccherato
shoot - sparare
there - là
thing - cosa
tomorrow - domani
speeds - velocità
today - oggi
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