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You been
in a cockpit before?
No, sir, I've never been
up in a plane before.
You ever seen
a grown man naked?
Do you want me to check
the weather, Clarence?
No, why don't you
take care of it?
Joey, do you ever
hang around a gymnasium?
We'd better get back now, Joey.
No, Joey can stay here
for a while if he'd like.
- Could I?
- Okay. If you don't get in the way.
Flight 209'er to Denver radio.
Climbing to cruise at 42,000.
Will report again over Lincoln.
Over and out.
Wait a minute. I know you.
You're Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
You play basketball
for the Los Angeles Lakers.
I'm sorry, son, but you must
have me confused with someone else.
My name is Roger Murdock.
I'm the co-pilot.
You are Kareem. I've seen you play.
My dad's got season tickets.
I think you should go back to your
seat now, Joey. Right, Clarence?
No, he's not bothering anyone.
Let him stay here.
All right, but just remember,my name is Roger Murdock.
I'm an airline pilot.
I think you're the greatest,
but my dad says you don't work
hard enough on defense.
And he says that lots of times,
you don't even run downcourt.
And that you don't really try
except during the playoffs.
The hell I don't!
Listen, kid.
I've been hearing that crap
ever since I was at UCLA.
I'm out there
busting my buns every night.
Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier
up and down the court for 48 minutes.
Joey? You like movies
about gladiators?
weather - tempo metereologico
walton - walton
times - volte
tickets - Biglietti
think - pensare
there - là
sorry - scusa
someone - qualcuno
should - dovrebbero
report - rapporto
playoffs - playoff
cruise - crociera
court - tribunale
since - da
pilot - pilota
could - poteva
cockpit - cabina di pilotaggio
kareem - kareem
clarence - clarence
busting - busting
climbing - arrampicata
bothering - fastidioso
naked - nudo
confused - confuso
airline - linea aerea
again - ancora
abdul - abdul
plane - aereo
about - di
remember - ricorda
lakers - lakers
check - dai un'occhiata
minute - minuto
around - in giro
basketball - pallacanestro
angeles - angeles
while - mentre
anyone - chiunque
season - stagione
before - prima
gladiators - gladiatori
better - meglio
during - durante
downcourt - downcourt
radio - radio
lincoln - lincoln
listen - ascolta
defense - difesa
enough - abbastanza
every - dejte pozor
except - tranne
flight - volo
greatest - più grande
grown - cresciuto
gymnasium - palestra
lanier - lanier
really - veramente
hearing - udito
right - destra
denver - denver
minutes - minuti
murdock - murdock
jabbar - jabbar
movies - film
never - mai
roger - roger
night - notte
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