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Airplane! - Have You Ever Seen a Grown Man Naked? (It)

Scena tratta dal film L'aereo più pazzo del mondo
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    You been
    in a cockpit before?

    No, sir, I've never been
    up in a plane before.

    You ever seen
    a grown man naked?

    Do you want me to check
    the weather, Clarence?

    No, why don't you
    take care of it?

    Joey, do you ever
    hang around a gymnasium?

    We'd better get back now, Joey.

    No, Joey can stay here
    for a while if he'd like.

    - Could I?
    - Okay. If you don't get in the way.

    Flight 209'er to Denver radio.

    Climbing to cruise at 42,000.

    Will report again over Lincoln.
    Over and out.

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