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"The kid", the junior that is to be down in a minute,
unless you'd like to take her drink up to her.
I can get a fresh one... Karen, you're a Gibson girl.
The general atmosphere is very Macbethish.
- What has or is about to happen? - What is he talking about?
- Macbeth. - We know you. We've seen you like this before.
Is it over or is it just beginning?
Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night.
- Margo, darling! - How are you?
I just stick to remember, Addison, crossing you off my guest list.
What are you doing here?
Dear Margo, you were an unforgettable Peter Pan. You must play it again soon.
- You remember Miss Casswell? - I do not. How do you do?
- We've never met. Maybe that's why. - Miss Casswell is an actress.
A graduate of the Copacabana School of Dramatic Art.
Ah... Eve.
- Good evening, Mr. DeWitt.- I had no idea you two knew each other.
This must be, at long last, our formal introduction.
Until now, we've only met in passing.
That's how you met me. In passing.
Eve, this is an old friend of Mr. DeWitt's mother.
- Miss Casswell, Miss Harrington. - How do you do?
I've been wanting you to meet Eve for the longest time.
It could only be your natural timidity must have kept you from mentioning it.
You've heard of her great interest in the theatre?
We have that in common.
Then you two must have a long talk.
I'm afraid Mr. DeWitt would find me boring before too long.
You won't bore him, honey. You won't even get a chance to talk.
Claudia, come here.
You see that man? That's Max Fabian, the producer.
Now, go and do yourself some good.
Why do they always look like unhappy rabbits?
Cos that's what they are. Now go and make him happier.
Now, don't worry about your little charge. She'll be in safe hands.
worry - preoccupazione
wanting - volendo
unforgettable - indimenticabile
timidity - timidezza
until - fino a
theatre - teatro
school - scuola
remember - ricorda
mentioning - menzionare
stick - bastone
natural - naturale
maybe - può essere
macbethish - macbethish
macbeth - Macbeth
longest - più lunga
minute - minuto
little - piccolo
dewitt - dewitt
darling - tesoro
dramatic - drammatico
talking - parlando
other - altro
about - di
belts - cinture
night - notte
graduate - diplomato
bumpy - accidentato
yourself - te stesso
addison - Addison
charge - carica
great - grande
never - mai
afraid - impaurito
evening - sera
actress - attrice
unless - salvo che
again - ancora
introduction - introduzione
could - poteva
passing - passaggio
common - comune
always - sempre
crossing - attraversamento
casswell - casswell
margo - margo
friend - amico
atmosphere - atmosfera
chance - opportunità
peter - Pietro
before - prima
gibson - gibson
doing - fare
drink - bere
happen - accadere
formal - formale
would - voluto
fasten - allacciare
fresh - fresco
general - generale
guest - ospite
going - andando
copacabana - copacabana
hands - mani
heard - sentito
junior - junior
rabbits - conigli
happier - più felici
producer - produttore
claudia - claudia
honey - miele
mother - madre
beginning - inizio
harrington - harrington
unhappy - infelice
boring - noioso
interest - interesse
karen - karen
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