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I couldn't tie my shoes until I was ten,
but I could make a martini.
I was like Isaac on our sinking little Love Boat.
Thank you, sweetheart.
This is perfect.
Tell me, have you met any nice girls at school this year?
Yeah, they're nice.
You give any thought to what we talked about?
None of the other fifth graders know what they're gonna do after high school.
Do I care about a bunch of pansy fifth graders
with silver spoons in their mouths?
I sorta like the idea of teaching. Teaching sounds good.
That's terrific, honey.
I can't remember them without a drink in their hand.
You know, when my father used to pitch baseballs to me in the backyard,
he never spilled a drop.
Oh my God, I can't even imagine.
Your parents didn't drink?
No, we never played games in the backyard.
Well, first of all, we didn't have a backyard.
And second of all, the closest we ever came to a game was...
the "feel wheel."
Rage is at the top.
Then we move down to frustration, confusion, loneliness.
On the other side we have loving, affectionate, silly.
Eli, you go first.
Take your name,
and put it on the emotion you're feeling right now.
That's right, Eli. Don't think. Look inside.
- What are you feeling? - Right now, go.
Don't think - go!
Do I have to, Dr. Wyckoff?
Can you do it for Mommy?
You'd just be walking alone, and then you think,
"Gee, I feel happy," and you'd put your little flag on the wheel?
No, no, it was just...
something my parents wanted us to do. so that...
they would feel more enlightened.
Like getting us to say penis and vagina at the dinner table.
You know, so that we'd feel comfortable talking about sex?
which is probably why now I prefer "pee-pee" and "who-who."
More pee-pee than who-who, I'd imagine.
Does it show?
I don't think that game would have been a hit in my house,
unless there was a section on the wheel for thirsty.
Well, there was a section on the wheel for scared...
but you'd have had to share that one with me.
wyckoff - wyckoff
wanted - ricercato
until - fino a
unless - salvo che
thought - pensato
their - loro
thank - ringraziare
terrific - terribile
teaching - insegnamento
talked - parlato
table - tavolo
spilled - rovesciato
sorta - sorta
silver - argento
silly - sciocco
shoes - scarpe
thirsty - assetato
share - condividere
there - là
school - scuola
scared - impaurito
remember - ricorda
probably - probabilmente
games - i giochi
fifth - quinto
gonna - andando
frustration - frustrazione
vagina - vagina
father - padre
loving - amorevole
emotion - emozione
spoons - cucchiai
prefer - preferire
enlightened - illuminato
could - poteva
sounds - suoni
sinking - naufragio
little - piccolo
alone - da solo
honey - miele
drink - bere
parents - genitori
after - dopo
section - sezione
baseballs - palle da baseball
right - destra
feeling - sensazione
house - casa
affectionate - affettuoso
girls - ragazze
bunch - mazzo
graders - livellatrici
something - qualcosa
inside - dentro
sweetheart - tesoro
backyard - cortile
comfortable - confortevole
never - mai
dinner - cena
confusion - confusione
closest - più vicina
martini - Martini
happy - contento
perfect - perfezionare
wheel - ruota
walking - a passeggio
first - primo
played - giocato
without - senza
which - quale
think - pensare
isaac - Isaac
imagine - immaginare
would - voluto
mommy - mammina
mouths - bocche
talking - parlando
about - di
other - altro
second - secondo
getting - ottenere
loneliness - solitudine
pitch - intonazione
pansy - viola del pensiero
penis - pene
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