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We're not within four hundred feet of that school, are we?
So, you guys do the whole dress alike thing?
Always have.
You know it's just for one room, right?
We know.
So, you guys do like, bunk beds or something?
Or something.
Is it cool if I grow, in the soil back there? It's pretty fresh.
Wait, is that legal now, to do that?
I'm a puppeteer.
Cool, like for kids birthdays?
No, more performance-based, my aesthetic isn't for kids.
So, like state fairs?
I'm an erotic puppeteer.
- Very cool place. - Thank you.
So, Chloe, tell us about yourself.
I'm twenty eight years old, kind of... In between jobs right now.
I've been living in Santa Monica, but I can't really live there anymore.
Basically I've just had this really bad breakup
and I'm trying to get as far away from there as possible.
Wow, that's probably the worst pitch you've heard all day.
No, actually we've, we've heard a lot of bad pitches today.
Chloe, tell us why you think you'd be a good roommate?
I...I think I'm a fun person.
I'm easygoing.
-That... That's perfect, I mean we're... really easygoing ourselves.
Well, I... I do have a question.
- Do you like to party? - Party?
That's a... That's a weird question, Bobby.
No. I like to party, I like to have a good time.
I...I just want to make sure you're cool with that.
Do you mean like party-party or... party-party?
Like have some drinks, dance around with some friends, have fun kind of party?
Or do coke and fuck kind of party?
I didn't know there was a definition for party.
Usually when he asks me to throw a party, it leans toward the second one,
- I meant the first one. - He's meant the first one.
I'm fine with the first one.
Real quick, Bob, can I just see you in the...the other room?
Are there other definitions of party I'm not aware of?
- Real quick. - Yeah. Sorry.
yourself - te stesso
within - entro
whole - totale
usually - generalmente
trying - provare
throw - gettare
think - pensare
thing - cosa
thank - ringraziare
state - stato
santa - Santa
right - destra
twenty - venti
quick - veloce
puppeteer - burattinaio
eight - otto
pitches - piazzole
dress - vestito
first - primo
sorry - scusa
perfect - perfezionare
definitions - definizioni
dance - danza
weird - strano
birthdays - compleanni
definition - definizione
person - persona
chloe - Chloe
ourselves - noi stessi
today - oggi
second - secondo
pitch - intonazione
bobby - poliziotto
other - altro
about - di
years - anni
around - in giro
between - fra
basically - fondamentalmente
always - sempre
alike - nello stesso modo
aesthetic - estetico
easygoing - affabile
performance - prestazione
possible - possibile
something - qualcosa
anymore - più
leans - leans
based - basato
aware - consapevole
breakup - rottura
erotic - erotico
there - là
school - scuola
question - domanda
fairs - fiere
fresh - fresco
worst - peggio
friends - amici
monica - monica
pretty - bella
heard - sentito
really - veramente
meant - significava
actually - in realtà
hundred - centinaio
drinks - bevande
legal - legale
living - vita
party - partito
place - posto
toward - verso
roommate - coinquilino
probably - probabilmente
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