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No matter where you're from
This ship is your body
That drum is your heartbeat
and your god is the glory of Rome!
Brace for impact!
How long were you a slave?
Five years.
What is your name?
My family was one of the most respected in Jerusalem.
Welcome home.
I need you to tell me who our enemies are!
Messala I won't name names
Until we were betrayed
By my own brother.
You know we've done nothing wrong!
Rome's calling for blood
Crucify them.
The world you live in is Rome
Their laws,
Their power.
I won't let Messala go unpunished for what he's done to us
Our mother and sister- was it a quick death?
Go, go, go!
My family, they deserve justice for what's happened to them.
There is a way.
In the arena,
There is no law.
Racing is a blood sport.
If you lose,
You die.
If your brother is the pride of Rome,
Defeat him and you'll defeat an empire.
Then you will have your vengeance.
You have a voice, people would follow you. I would follow you.
Go! Go! Go!
Should've stayed away
You should've killed me.
I will.
First to finish-
Last to die.
Come on!
Are we having fun now, brother?
Stand and fight!
Stand up, NOW!
years - anni
wrong - sbagliato
would - voluto
world - mondo
welcome - benvenuto
voice - voce
heartbeat - battito cardiaco
having - avendo
first - primo
impact - urto
remember - ricorda
finish - finire
racing - [object Object]
sister - sorella
empire - impero
vengeance - vendetta
calling - chiamata
enemies - nemici
brace - bretelle
deserve - meritare
defeat - la sconfitta
stayed - rimasto
arena - arena
there - là
brother - fratello
matter - importa
where - dove
quick - veloce
happened - è accaduto
killed - ucciso
glory - gloria
mother - madre
please - per favore
sport - sport
blood - sangue
coward - codardo
death - morte
betrayed - tradito
jerusalem - Gerusalemme
justice - giustizia
until - fino a
messala - messala
respected - rispettata
names - nomi
crucify - crocifiggere
nothing - niente
follow - segui
people - persone
power - energia
unpunished - impuniti
family - famiglia
pride - orgoglio
slave - schiavo
fight - combattimento
stand - stare in piedi
their - loro
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