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Best in Show - American Bitch (It)

Scena tratta dal film Campioni di razza
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    I like both of them. And we could...
    we could find something there.

    But what I like about these,
    and I think Sherri Ann would agree, too.

    If we could get this picture of the dog...

    ...and maybe one of these in here....

    My gosh, it's been a year.

    So much has happened.
    Oh, my gosh.

    we didn't win at Mayflower.

    Which is surreal and, um,
    was extremely disturbing.

    - It was so not right.
    - It was devastating.

    But the silver lining of this cloud,
    of course, is that...

    you know, it brought us
    to a new level in our relationship.

    And we got to open up
    this, this, these offices and...

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