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I like both of them. And we could...
we could find something there.
But what I like about these,
and I think Sherri Ann would agree, too.
If we could get this picture of the dog...
...and maybe one of these in here....
My gosh, it's been a year.
So much has happened.
Oh, my gosh.
we didn't win at Mayflower.
Which is surreal and, um,
was extremely disturbing.
- It was so not right.
- It was devastating.
But the silver lining of this cloud,
of course, is that...
you know, it brought us
to a new level in our relationship.
And we got to open up
this, this, these offices and...
publish this magazine here.
American Bitch. The dog magazine
for women and their dogs.
It's a focus on the issues of
the lesbian purebred dog owner.
And we're on our third issue.
These are our first two issues here.
And it's... it's fantastic, you know?
Sherri Ann is definitely
the inspiration
I do the grunt work, the details.
She has a very big heart.
She's generous. She's kind.
She's changed my life.
And as it turns out,
she's a dynamite in the sack.
Likewise, I'm sure.
would - voluto
women - donne
turns - giri
heart - cuore
devastating - devastante
happened - è accaduto
grunt - grugnito
focus - messa a fuoco
first - primo
about - di
bitch - cagna
there - là
brought - portato
these - queste
changed - cambiato
which - quale
think - pensare
fantastic - fantastico
details - Dettagli
third - terzo
cloud - nube
disturbing - inquietante
american - americano
could - poteva
level - livello
course - corso
silver - argento
lining - rivestimento
generous - generoso
publish - pubblicare
definitely - decisamente
inspiration - ispirazione
maybe - può essere
lesbian - lesbica
their - loro
likewise - allo stesso modo
extremely - estremamente
magazine - rivista
dynamite - dinamite
mayflower - biancospino
offices - uffici
agree - essere d'accordo
purebred - di razza
owner - proprietario
picture - immagine
relationship - relazione
issue - problema
right - destra
sherri - Sherri
something - qualcosa
issues - problemi
surreal - surreale
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