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- Elsie, I'm sorry for your loss. - I'll watch them.
Grace, Sam wrote this for you before he left.
He never wanted me to have to deliver it.
I don't believe it, John.
I can't feel it.
Shouldn't I be able to feel it?
It's hard to accept. He was a good friend, a good Marine.
- Why don't you let me drive? - What are you talking about?
Come on, girls.
Hey, why don't you give me the keys, Dad?
What makes you so responsible all of a sudden?
Let Tommy drive.
"Let Tommy drive." Look, I'll tell you what.
Why don't you get a job and earn some money,
buy yourself a car,
and then you can drive it wherever the hell you want.
Give me the keys.
Did you hear those Marines in there today talking about your brother?
Did you?
Who is gonna stand up and testify for you once you're dead?
Yeah, it's my fault Sam's dead. Right? That's what you think.
It's got nothing to do with you. Right?
- What are you saying to me? - Hank.
Forget it.
You never had any guts.
Oh, and you did.
That's why you screamed at Mom every fucking night.
That's why you drove us drunk, huh? "Hang in there, Marines."
- Why you put all that shit in his head. - Come on.
- Never could make me proud. - Oh, for Lord's sake.
That is a sin.
- Stop it. Give me the keys. - Here you go. I'm walking.
yourself - te stesso
grace - grazia
money - i soldi
today - oggi
girls - ragazze
elsie - Elsie
sudden - improvviso
forget - dimenticare
saying - detto
friend - amico
sorry - scusa
believe - credere
before - prima
brother - fratello
fault - colpa
could - poteva
makes - fa
night - notte
screamed - urlato
drive - guidare
gonna - andando
accept - accettare
talking - parlando
about - di
deliver - consegnare
drove - guidavo
marines - marines
marine - marino
tommy - tommy
walking - a passeggio
fucking - cazzo
every - dejte pozor
proud - orgoglioso
drunk - ubriaco
never - mai
nothing - niente
wanted - ricercato
responsible - responsabile
right - destra
stand - stare in piedi
testify - testimoniare
there - là
think - pensare
watch - orologio
those - quelli
wherever - dovunque
wrote - ha scritto
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