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And he said, "I feel like you're spiting me."
I said, I said
"Do you think I took this job to spite you?"
I was writing the
script as they were filming
all that time
in Italy...
and I'd work like mad all day long...
and then dash down
to the bar
around midnight to hand in the
next day's scenes.
And Humphrey had just about
moved into the hotel bar...
...where he and John...
They drank every night.
And I mean drank, you know,
like famished water buffaloes.
I'd only just handed
them the final scene
when the bellhop told
me I had a phone call.
And it was my
stepfather, Joe Capote
calling to say that
my mother had died.
Well I... I flew home to New York,
terribly distraught...
but when I got to the apartment...
I could see that Joe
was in even worse shape than I was.
He grabbed my hand and
he said to me: "Talk".
Talk about anything. You know?
I mean, any subject in the world.
Don't worry whether it'll
interest me or not. Just talk...
so I won't break down.
He couldn't bear to be alone
with his thoughts.
It was too painful.
It's been a hard couple of weeks for Alvin.
He and Herb Clutter were good friends
from church.
Oh, come on, Alvin. These are good people.
writing - scrittura
worry - preoccupazione
world - mondo
whether - se
weeks - settimane
thoughts - pensieri
friends - amici
final - finale
every - dejte pozor
where - dove
clutter - ingombrare
capote - mantello
alone - da solo
think - pensare
alvin - alvin
couple - coppia
people - persone
could - poteva
distraught - sconvolto
anything - qualsiasi cosa
mother - madre
moved - mosso
buffaloes - bufali
worse - peggio
around - in giro
calling - chiamata
apartment - appartamento
about - di
humphrey - humphrey
italy - Italia
terribly - terribilmente
bellhop - fattorino
famished - affamato
midnight - mezzanotte
break - rompere
grabbed - afferrato
handed - consegnato
water - acqua
night - notte
hotel - hotel
painful - doloroso
interest - interesse
shape - forma
phone - telefono
filming - le riprese
scene - scena
scenes - scene
script - copione
spite - dispetto
spiting - spiting
stepfather - patrigno
church - chiesa
subject - soggetto
drank - bevuto
these - queste
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