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Break a little...
Yeah, she's leaving the bank now.
All right, I'm gonna follow her.
I know that look.
What does that look mean?
It means I got the money.
How are you doin', Les?
It's Lester, right?
From my recollection,
aren't you the card shark,
the golf hustler,
the pimp from Beverly Hills?
If I'm wrong, please correct me
'cause I never knew you to be a heist man.
But if you are, you know what?
Here, take mine too.
Take it. 'Cause you already have hers.
She's my wife.
Look at me.
You knew that she's my wife?
- Huh? Hey, look at me.
- Yeah, I know that.
You do, yeah?
If you ever come back again, ever,
to take her money,
next time bring a pistol.
That way you got a chance.
Be a man. Don't be a fucking pimp.
Now, you wanna do me a favor?
Get outta here.
I wanna be alone with my wife.
Get the fuck up and get outta here.
- Fuckin' piece of shit.
- That's fuckin' bullshit.
Remember when you called him
that night and you said good-bye to him?
He didn't say, "Don't get married,
I'll be right down."
- No, he didn't.
- No. Instead, what did he say?
Fuck him. Take him for everything he's got.
Come here. I want to show you something.
Make them stop it!
It's not his fault! It's my fault!
wanna - voglio
right - destra
remember - ricorda
please - per favore
night - notte
pistol - pistola
money - i soldi
married - sposato
bullshit - cazzate
called - chiamato
piece - pezzo
break - rompere
follow - segui
lester - lester
bring - portare
something - qualcosa
outta - outta
alone - da solo
means - si intende
already - già
leaving - in partenza
chance - opportunità
beverly - beverly
wrong - sbagliato
everything - qualunque cosa
again - ancora
heist - colpo
hustler - hustler
little - piccolo
correct - corretta
fault - colpa
gonna - andando
favor - favore
recollection - ricordo
never - mai
hills - colline
shark - squalo
fucking - cazzo
instead - anziché
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