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I hate this frickin' game! It's so frickin' stupid!
Hey, everybody, check it out!
This kid's about to bowl a perfect zero.
Hey, mind your business!
Hey, how do you think this is gonna make him feel about himself?
Well, this is character building.
Even the ridicule.
- Come on, bud. - Come on, Dylan!
It's okay.
I suck at everything!
I quit, I quit!
Hey. Hey, kid, listen.
We Mayron men might not always show up.
I mean, we want to show up, we intend to, but
sometimes, we get trashed the night before,
or we wreck a speedboat, or
hook up with some Emirates flight attendants
and somehow end up on a redeye to Dubai.
You know what I mean.
The point is, we may not always show up,
but when we do, we finish what we start.
Now you get up there and grab those balls.
Come on, you got this.
Go, bro!
I'll take that.
I'll cover that.
Come on, honey!
- Come on, buddy. - You can do it, kid.
Please. Please.
Whoo! I did it!
Thanks for believing in me, El Padre!
You bet, buddy! I knew you had it in you!
thanks - grazie
trashed - cestinati
stupid - stupido
redeye - occhi rossi
point - punto
please - per favore
perfect - perfezionare
padre - prete
might - potrebbe
emirates - emirates
character - carattere
believing - credendo
there - là
ridicule - ridicolo
check - dai un'occhiata
wreck - relitto
cover - copertina
intend - avere intenzione
business - attività commerciale
start - inizio
sometimes - a volte
somehow - in qualche modo
buddy - compagno
night - notte
always - sempre
about - di
balls - palle
before - prima
building - costruzione
attendants - assistenti
dubai - dubai
everything - qualunque cosa
finish - finire
those - quelli
everybody - tutti
flight - volo
speedboat - motoscafo
listen - ascolta
gonna - andando
mayron - mayron
himself - lui stesso
think - pensare
dylan - dylan
honey - miele
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