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Date Night - You Two Make Sex With Us? (It)

Scena tratta dal film Notte folle a Manhattan
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    Have a seat.

    Man, you guys are lucky
    to be alive.

    You're right, Claire.
    I would stay away from the cops.

    Which is why we were hoping
    that you would help us.

    Well, it's the least I can do.
    I mean, you were so patient with me.

    All those long drives
    up and down the turnpike.

    Anyway, you were awesome.
    Claire, don't leave me hanging.

    That's what
    I'm talking about.

    I mean, I really did appreciate
    all the time you gave me.

    Yeah, sounds like you guys
    had a lot of time together, alone,

    together, without me
    even knowing about it.

    Tons. I mean, she went way above
    and beyond the call.

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