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When are you gonna get a haircut?
I have not seen your forehead in 15....
Hair again?
You're living in the '60s.
What is that?
- Are those the '60s? - Yeah.
It's done.
I'm in a conga line, and I'm playing a slide whistle.
That wasn't a conga line.
And I was doing the hare Krishna thing.
- Looks like a conga line. - I see.
I'm going to talk to you about... some news.
I'm gonna sell the house.
- What are you talking about? - I'm selling the house.
You're just out of the blue gonna sell our house?
It's not out of the blue.
I've given it some thought, okay?
I can't live there. It's, it's ridiculous.
It makes no sense for me to stay there.
- It's too big. - It's too big?
- Yeah. - Could you just, like,
not use all the rooms or something?
Maybe you could, like, I don't know,
cover up the furniture in some of the rooms with sheets.
Just don't go in there.
Like I'm a countess?
I don't know. I just think this is hasty.
You know, we need to talk about this.
I grew up there.
I don't wanna just sell our house.
oh, my god, that's my phone.
That's my new phone. Sorry.
Here we go.
I can't talk now.
I'm with my son. You see, I'm busy?
It can't see you. It's, it's more of a voice thing.
Oh, you think it can't see me? Yeah, dream on.
They know what's going on at the other end of this thing.
Oh! I just took a picture of my sandwich.
Okay, hang on.
Come on.
- Oh, good. - Smooth.
voice - voce
those - quelli
there - là
wanna - voglio
talking - parlando
think - pensare
something - qualcosa
slide - diapositiva
sheets - lenzuola
sense - senso
selling - vendita
thing - cosa
ridiculous - ridicolo
playing - giocando
picture - immagine
phone - telefono
cover - copertina
haircut - taglio di capelli
doing - fare
dream - sognare
thought - pensato
conga - conga
given - dato
sorry - scusa
maybe - può essere
about - di
whistle - fischio
forehead - fronte
sandwich - sandwich
house - casa
countess - contessa
furniture - mobilia
again - ancora
could - poteva
hasty - frettoloso
looks - sembra
rooms - camere
going - andando
gonna - andando
smooth - liscio
krishna - krishna
living - vita
makes - fa
other - altro
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