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- Have you seen Zack? - No?
Well, I bet if he were covered in chocolate and had a nougat inside,
you'd know exactly where he were at.
- That your pen? - I don't know.
- Well, where did you get it? - I don't know.
- Who gave it to you? - I don't know.
Is your name Semi because you're the size of a huge Mack truck,
or because you're semi-retarded?
- I don't know. - Idiot.
Attention Super Club shoppers. We're closing in five minutes.
So if you could please finish in five minutes, that would be great.
- There you are. - You're in deep, homes.
- He does not do anal. - That's too bad for you, Jorge.
Do you know what this is?
Yes. That is a 10-times-larger-than-life replica of your penis.
Oh, that's hilarious.
I realize that you don't care about your job, but I do.
And I want to thank you for caring about my job, really.
My job, jerk-off.
You know, it's funny. For the past 10 years,
I've been climbing the Super Club food chain, as planned.
But you, you haven't moved at all.
I'm almost at the top.
It goes manager, section manager, head cashier, cashier, stocker,
clean-up crew, night clean-up guy, and lastly, box boy.
- That's what you are. - That's me.
Yeah. That's why you can't come into the cashiers' lounge.
You know, after all this time,
you'd think you'd understand that you're the lowest of the low.
Yeah, the lowest of the low.
Aren't you a box boy, too, Jorge?
Oh yeah, but he's my box boy.
Yeah, I'm his box boy.
Your love for him concerns and confuses me.
You listen to me, jerk-off, and you listen well.
- Chill, boss, it's Glen. - Mr. Gary.
- Mr. Gary. - Hey, what do you say, boss-man?
Good evening, gentlemen.
Meeting in 60 seconds, and I've got big news.
Thanks for being prompt.
years - anni
where - dove
understand - capire
times - volte
think - pensare
there - là
shoppers - gli acquirenti
section - sezione
retarded - ritardato
replica - replica
prompt - richiesta
would - voluto
exactly - di preciso
truck - camion
could - poteva
lowest - minore
clean - pulito
gentlemen - gentiluomini
listen - ascolta
chocolate - cioccolato
minutes - minuti
after - dopo
closing - chiusura
stocker - stocker
being - essere
meeting - incontro
penis - pene
concerns - preoccupazioni
chain - catena
about - di
jorge - jorge
finish - finire
idiot - idiota
caring - cura
climbing - arrampicata
attention - attenzione
chill - freddo
lastly - da ultimo
confuses - confonde
really - veramente
almost - quasi
moved - mosso
seconds - secondi
please - per favore
evening - sera
covered - coperto
great - grande
cashier - cassiere
hilarious - divertente
because - perché
homes - le case
thank - ringraziare
manager - manager
thanks - grazie
nougat - torrone
inside - dentro
larger - più grandi
lounge - sala
super - super
night - notte
funny - divertente
realize - rendersi conto
planned - pianificato
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