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Why are you alive?
I'm alive...
I live... to safeguard the continuity of this great society.
To serve Libria.
It's circular.
You exist to continue your existence.
What's the point?
What's the point of your existence?
To feel.
'Cause you've never done it, you can never know it.
But it's as vital as breath.
And without it... without love,
without anger, without sorrow...
breath is just a clock ticking.
Then I have no choice but to remand you
to the Palace of Justice for processing.
You mean execution, don't you?
The Gun Katas.
Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights,
the Cleric has determined
that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle
is a statistically predictable element.
The Gun Kata treats the gun as a total weapon,
each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone,
inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents
while keeping the defender clear
of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire.
By the rote mastery of this art,
your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%.
The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency
makes the master of the Gun Katas
an adversary not to be taken lightly.
weapon - arma
treats - ossequi
traditional - tradizionale
total - totale
ticking - ticchettio
sorrow - tristezza
serve - servire
safeguard - salvaguardia
return - ritorno
representing - che rappresentano
remand - custodia cautelare
proficiency - competenza
processing - lavorazione
position - posizione
distribution - distribuzione
vital - vitale
difference - differenza
continuity - continuità
thousands - migliaia
lethal - letale
continue - continua
execution - esecuzione
efficiency - efficienza
cleric - chierico
anger - rabbia
never - mai
alive - vivo
gunfights - sparatorie
determined - determinato
through - attraverso
analysis - analisi
element - elemento
adversary - avversario
clock - orologio
without - senza
antagonists - antagonisti
clear - chiaro
choice - scelta
breath - respiro
lightly - leggermente
trajectories - traiettorie
libria - Libria
keeping - conservazione
palace - palazzo
circular - circolare
while - mentre
exist - esistere
society - società
makes - fa
predictable - prevedibile
fluid - fluido
existence - esistenza
firing - sparo
damage - danno
geometric - geometrico
increase - aumentare
statistically - statisticamente
inflicting - infliggendo
justice - giustizia
recorded - registrato
defender - difensore
mastery - padronanza
battle - battaglia
master - maestro
taken - prese
maximum - massimo
great - grande
katas - kata
number - numero
opponents - avversari
point - punto
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