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- Can we talk? - Yeah, of course.
I owe you a huge thank you.
For what? Being a terrible friend, or for ruining your prom?
You know exactly what I'm talking about.
Cole, you're one of the most incredible people I've ever met.
Not to mention hands down most talented.
I could't live with myself if you didn't make it into your dream school because of me.
- What's this? - A going-away present.
But you're the one moving. Should I have given you a gift?
You already have.
Come on, open it.
It says you love me.
Is that real, or is that just the story?
It's not fiction.
We shouldn't...
Can't you stay till the end of summer, before school starts?
I don't think so.
Things got so intense between us so quickly,
I think it might be best, if we're just friends.
Yeah, you're probably right.
Do you think college will be easier than high school?
I hope so.
So, what do we do now?
think - pensare
things - cose
terrible - terribile
talented - talentuoso
should - dovrebbero
right - destra
quickly - velocemente
probably - probabilmente
people - persone
summer - estate
myself - me stessa
course - corso
starts - inizia
between - fra
mention - citare
might - potrebbe
present - presente
being - essere
friend - amico
intense - intenso
thank - ringraziare
ruining - rovinando
already - già
dream - sognare
given - dato
hands - mani
talking - parlando
before - prima
college - università
easier - più facile
story - storia
school - scuola
because - perché
exactly - di preciso
incredible - incredibile
fiction - finzione
going - andando
friends - amici
about - di
moving - in movimento
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