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Fifty Shades Darker - Going the Extra Mile (It)

Scena tratta dal film Cinquanta sfumature di nero
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    I was actually just about to come
    talk to you... about New York.

    There a problem?

    I'm so grateful
    for the opportunity, Jack,

    but with such short notice, I
    made plans that I can't change.

    But I will have my phone
    on me all weekend.

    So if you need anything,
    I'm available.

    Ana, have a seat.

    I'm really... I'm sorry.

    I think you have
    tremendous potential here.

    But I don't wanna waste my time

    training someone who doesn't
    take this position seriously.

    I do.

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