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Rita, look...
I'm sorry, all right? I was wrong. And... I think we should just put it behind us.
OK. I suppose I can put it behind me.
This is such an overreaction!
Rita, you can't just leave me here on a...
On a duck! Up the creek without a...
You're getting everything you deserve. Sneaking around,
eavesdropping on other people's conversations.
I was not sneaking around.
I say, you can't really intend to just strand me like this.
You're not that heartless.
OK, maybe you are.
Look, if you're trying to teach me a lesson, consider it taught!
I'm on a duck, begging!
Ice-cold Rita
Never did I meet a girl who's half so cruel, I offered her a jewel
But she left me stuck Stranded on a duck
What a shoddy thing to do to Roddy Me
That's Roddy St. James of Kensington
Poor, poor Roddy
Flushed down his own potty
Rita, can't you find it in your heart
To help him?
How mean can one rat be?
Ice-cold Rita Won't you be sweeter to me?
Am I forgiven?
No. I was just afraid you'd sing another verse.
wrong - sbagliato
verse - versetto
flushed - arrossato
deserve - meritare
cruel - crudele
jewel - gioiello
suppose - supporre
intend - avere intenzione
everything - qualunque cosa
stranded - incagliato
eavesdropping - intercettazioni
another - un altro
leave - partire
begging - accattonaggio
conversations - conversazioni
getting - ottenere
kensington - kensington
james - james
around - in giro
sneaking - nascosto
heart - cuore
consider - prendere in considerazione
behind - dietro a
forgiven - perdonato
lesson - lezione
maybe - può essere
sorry - scusa
afraid - impaurito
never - mai
offered - offerta
really - veramente
overreaction - reazione eccessiva
taught - insegnato
potty - vasino
teach - insegnare
right - destra
heartless - senza cuore
shoddy - scadente
should - dovrebbero
creek - [object Object]
stuck - incollato
other - altro
sweeter - più dolce
thing - cosa
without - senza
think - pensare
strand - filo
roddy - Roddy
trying - provare
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