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Hey. Morning, mate.
How are you today?
Yeah, I'm good. I'm good.
You okay?
Am I okay? I'm better than okay,
my friend.
You seem sprightly.
I had a great time
last night.
Well done. Well done.
What about you? What's with the...
What's with the bag?
Right, yeah. I'm off back
to England, mate.
Oh, you and Sarah
are going to England.
No, no, no.
I'm just going alone.
Did you guys
have a fight or something?
Yeah, it was really... How you served
five years under her.
I don't know. You deserve a medal
or a holiday or at least
a cuddle from somebody.
You were only here
for a week.
Well, I don't know.
For me, that one week of it
I... I don't know,
I wouldn't say Hitler,
but certainly Goebbels.
It was like a little holiday with Hitler.
Oh well, you know.
Hey, listen.
at least it's clear now for you
two to reconnect.
You know what? I have a good thing
going on with Rachel,
and I want to
see that through.
Well, maybe you know, you could
have both of them. Rachel and Sarah.
They got on all right,
didn't they, at dinner? So maybe...
You know what? First of all
I'm not that kind of guy.
And even if I was, I don't think
that I have the sexual competency
to really pull that off.
Yeah. This is a gift.
I will say, if you do get back
with Miss Marshall
handle with care,
because, you know...
Okay. Well, I think
my ride's here.
So I'm gonna skedaddle
then before anything else happens to me.
Before life gets
any more daft.
Do someone
gonna take that?
Listen, don't let them
grind you down.
Take it easy, hey.
Hey, look at my driver.
I'm gonna have sex with her.
years - anni
under - sotto
thing - cosa
sprightly - arzillo
something - qualcosa
going - andando
gonna - andando
goebbels - Goebbels
fight - combattimento
holiday - vacanza
about - di
friend - amico
before - prima
driver - autista
cuddle - coccolare
morning - mattina
england - Inghilterra
could - poteva
through - attraverso
little - piccolo
marshall - marshall
alone - da solo
grind - macinare
dinner - cena
great - grande
deserve - meritare
sarah - sarah
anything - qualsiasi cosa
listen - ascolta
clear - chiaro
because - perché
first - primo
really - veramente
today - oggi
better - meglio
handle - maniglia
happens - accade
someone - qualcuno
hitler - hitler
jesus - Gesù
least - meno
rachel - rachel
medal - medaglia
congratulations - complimenti
night - notte
reconnect - ricollegare
certainly - certamente
right - destra
maybe - può essere
served - servito
sexual - sessuale
think - pensare
competency - competenza
skedaddle - skedaddle
somebody - qualcuno
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