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You've read Mark Twain?
It's wonderful.
Colonel, I have witnesses to prepare for.
Yes. I know.
It's why I wanted to see you.
We keep a library of all American military manuals.
I thought this one might be of particular use to you.
I can't accept this, Colonel. We have a policy about...
Without this, your client will face the firing squad.
Would that be better?
- Your son? - Yes.
Where's he fighting?
He is not anymore.
The Russian front.
Horrible place.
I'm sorry.
I killed my share of English and French, I suppose...
in the first war.
They had fathers, too.
witnesses - testimoni
wanted - ricercato
twain - due
suppose - supporre
wonderful - meraviglioso
russian - russo
prepare - preparare
policy - politica
english - inglese
would - voluto
better - meglio
share - condividere
anymore - più
colonel - colonnello
without - senza
might - potrebbe
about - di
first - primo
french - francese
military - militare
place - posto
accept - accettare
fighting - combattente
squad - squadra
front - davanti
particular - particolare
firing - sparo
thought - pensato
client - cliente
american - americano
horrible - orribile
killed - ucciso
sorry - scusa
library - biblioteca
fathers - padri
manuals - manuali
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