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This is where you've been for 20 years?
You-you've been rescuing them.
You're not upset? - What? No. I-I don't know. I...
It's a bit much to get my head around, to be frank.
It's not every day you find out your mother is...
some kind of crazy, feral, vigilante dragon lady. - Oh...
Well... At least I'm not boring, right?
Well, I suppose there is that... One specific thing.
Do-do you like it?
I... I... I... I-I don't have the words.
Can... can I?.. Oh, he's beautiful.
Oh, incredible.
He might very well be the last of his kind.
Oh... and look, he's your age.
Wow. - No wonder you get along so well.
Oh, yeah? Oh, yeah?
And retractable teeth.
How did you manage... - I found him in the woods.
He was shot down and wounded.
This snafflefang lost his leg to one of Drago Bludvist's iron traps.
This raincutter had her wing sliced by razor netting.
And this, oh, poor hobblegrunt was blinded by a tree snare
and then left to die alone and scared.
And what of this?
Did Drago or his trappers do this, too?
Oh. Yeah. Well, crazy thing is...
I'm actually the one who shot him down.
Hey, it's-it's okay, though.
He got me back. Right, bud?
You couldn't save all of me, could you?
You just had to make it even. So peg leg.
Uh... What did your father think of your night fury friend?
Oh, he-he didn't take it all that well.
But then, he changed.
They all did.
Pretty soon, everyone back home had dragons of their own.
If only it were possible.
No, really. - Believe me, I tried as well,
but people are not capable of change, Hiccup.
Some of us... Were just born different.
words - parole
woods - boschi
wonder - meravigliarsi
upset - irritato
unbelievable - incredibile
traps - trappole
vigilante - Vigilante
trappers - cacciatori
though - anche se
thing - cosa
there - là
suppose - supporre
specific - specifica
every - dejte pozor
netting - reticolato
might - potrebbe
found - trovato
drago - drago
people - persone
different - diverso
years - anni
around - in giro
think - pensare
feral - ferino
blinded - accecato
incredible - incredibile
along - lungo
alone - da solo
where - dove
beautiful - bellissimo
tried - provato
actually - in realtà
dragons - draghi
father - padre
believe - credere
their - loro
hiccup - singhiozzo
raincutter - raincutter
boring - noioso
retractable - retrattile
rescuing - salvataggio
capable - capace
friend - amico
hobblegrunt - hobblegrunt
possible - possibile
least - meno
manage - gestire
sliced - affettato
changed - cambiato
mother - madre
dragon - drago
snafflefang - snafflefang
teeth - denti
change - modificare
night - notte
wounded - ferito
pretty - bella
crazy - pazzo
razor - rasoio
frank - franco
right - destra
everyone - tutti
really - veramente
scared - impaurito
could - poteva
snare - laccio
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