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What should I do, do you think?
About what?
I don't really want to go back into government work.
You know, but... Shouldn't I find something to do?
Wives don't do anything here.
- That's not me. It's just not me. - I know.
I saw a notice on the bulletin board at the embassy
for hat-making lessons.
You like hats.
I do, I do.
- What is it that you really like to do? - Eat.
And you are so good at it. Look at you!
I was thinking of taking bridge lessons.
- You like bridge. - I do. I like the idea of bridge.
Four points for an ace, three points for a king,
two points for a queen, one point for a jack.
And breast your cards.
Do you have any French cookbooks in English?
- I'm afraid not. - Gosh.
The salesperson.
Had no idea... Because, you see, there is no French cookbook in English.
And all I have is this Joy of Cooking by Irma Rombauer,
which is an excellent, excellent cookbook, but it's not French.
So I did ask my friend Avis De Voto
Right. Right.
Gosh, I thought I was speaking French to you!
Oh, my goodness!
It's my memoirs.
Oh, look.
Oh, it's fantastic! But it's in French!
You'll get there. You'll get there.
I know. I'm learning. I'm trying. I'm really. . .
Happy birthday to me.
wives - mogli
which - quale
trying - provare
thought - pensato
there - là
should - dovrebbero
right - destra
taking - presa
really - veramente
thinking - pensiero
queen - regina
notice - Avviso
making - fabbricazione
learning - apprendimento
rombauer - rombauer
point - punto
friend - amico
cards - carte
government - governo
speaking - a proposito di
bulletin - bollettino
french - francese
breast - seno
lessons - lezioni
birthday - compleanno
board - tavola
points - punti
embassy - ambasciata
anything - qualsiasi cosa
about - di
excellent - eccellente
bridge - ponte
three - tre
afraid - impaurito
because - perché
cookbooks - libri di cucina
cooking - cucinando
fantastic - fantastico
think - pensare
something - qualcosa
memoirs - memorie
english - inglese
goodness - bontà
salesperson - venditore
cookbook - ricettario
happy - contento
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