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Keanu - We Killed 'Em Together (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    Shit got crazy back there, huh?

    You ain't never seen
    nobody get killed before?

    Yeah, I've seen people get
    killed before, by me.

    I was just trying to say that,
    usually in Allentown,

    we handle our business
    a little bit more professionally.

    - You ever think about gettin' out the game?
    - No.

    That's a shame.

    I would imagine that
    it's a tough job for a woman to be here.

    Not that you can't,

    because a woman can do anything
    a man can do, but... Yeah.

    You think if I get out the game,
    niggas gonna stop

    thinkin' they own bitches?

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