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Shit got crazy back there, huh?
You ain't never seen
nobody get killed before?
Yeah, I've seen people get
killed before, by me.
I was just trying to say that,
usually in Allentown,
we handle our business
a little bit more professionally.
- You ever think about gettin' out the game?
- No.
That's a shame.
I would imagine that
it's a tough job for a woman to be here.
Not that you can't,
because a woman can do anything
a man can do, but... Yeah.
You think if I get out the game,
niggas gonna stop
thinkin' they own bitches?
Well, I'm not like that.
You're not?
I bet you, out there somewhere
there's a non-gangster motherfucker
that'd be real lucky to have you.
I mean... You look kind of like
the female lion in The Lion King.
That's crazy that you say that,
because it's, like, my favorite cartoon.
- Really?
- Yeah, and I'm a Leo.
That's crazy how you knew that.
You must be psychic or somethin'.
You don't want to get mixed up with
a dude like me. I'm a wanderer.
Oh, you gay.
Why you think I'm gay, though?
I'm just messing with you, man.
I know you not gay.
How do you know?
I could tell you like girls.
I wanna thank you for earlier.
Like, for what?
For helping me kill those people.
Yeah. Well, I... No. No. I...
I ain't help you kill them people.
You did that on your own.
It's kind of like we killed them together.
Nah, I think it's more like
you murdered them on your own.
But I couldn't have
done it without you.
Agree to disagree with that one.
We killed them together.
Well, legally speaking,
I did not help you.
You all right?
- You was kind of close.
- Yeah.
Got my trick knee.
wanna - voglio
wanderer - vagabondo
together - insieme
gonna - andando
female - femmina
helping - porzione
trying - provare
girls - ragazze
crazy - pazzo
legally - legalmente
gangster - gangster
speaking - a proposito di
agree - essere d'accordo
lucky - fortunato
anything - qualsiasi cosa
thank - ringraziare
because - perché
handle - maniglia
would - voluto
nobody - nessuno
before - prima
business - attività commerciale
bitches - femmine
disagree - disaccordo
close - vicino
could - poteva
people - persone
trick - trucco
cartoon - cartone animato
without - senza
imagine - immaginare
think - pensare
allentown - allentown
about - di
messing - pasticciano
favorite - favorito
niggas - negri
mixed - misto
right - destra
motherfucker - motherfucker
usually - generalmente
earlier - prima
little - piccolo
murdered - assassinato
never - mai
professionally - professionalmente
psychic - psichico
really - veramente
killed - ucciso
shame - vergogna
woman - donna
somewhere - da qualche parte
tough - difficile
there - là
those - quelli
though - anche se
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