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OK. Here's my last bit, so bear with me.
The decisions you make now, bud, can't be changed
but with years and years of hard work to redo it.
And in those years you become something different.
Everybody does as time passes. You get married, you get into debt.
But you're never gonna be the same person you are right now.
And promise and potential...
It's very fickle.
And it just might not be there any more.
Are you assuming I already made a decision?
And also that I'll live to regret it?
All I'm saying is that you're an adult now.
And the tough thing about adulthood is that it...
it starts before you even know it starts,
when you're already a dozen decisions into it.
But what you need to know, Todd, no lifeguard's watching any more.
You're on your own. You're your own man,
and the decisions you make now are yours and yours alone
from here until the end.
I'm sorry. The sign says till eight and it's way after eight.
- Yes. Sorry. - So, what, you don't want my decision?
Class meets again Tuesday at nine. I'll find out then.
yours - il tuo
years - anni
tough - difficile
there - là
sorry - scusa
right - destra
thing - cosa
starts - inizia
promise - promettere
never - mai
before - prima
become - diventare
assuming - supponendo
already - già
decision - decisione
might - potrebbe
again - ancora
potential - potenziale
passes - passaggi
about - di
those - quelli
everybody - tutti
fickle - volubile
person - persona
adult - adulto
watching - guardando
something - qualcosa
alone - da solo
after - dopo
tuesday - martedì
regret - rimpiangere
changed - cambiato
until - fino a
different - diverso
class - classe
decisions - decisioni
dozen - dozzina
gonna - andando
saying - detto
adulthood - età adulta
married - sposato
eight - otto
meets - incontra
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