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- Jo!
- Teddy! Oh, this is magic!
You are absolutely...
- Covered in flour. Oh, dear!
Come in.
- No, Jo, not yet.
May I tell you something
without the others?
You're my dear friend.
I'm glad you shall be
the first to know. - What?
May I present...
my wife.
- Amy. Oh, my.
- Here. Flowers.
Oh, you're so...
Come in.
Brussels lace.
I went to Europe to paint
the great cathedrals...
...but I couldn't get our home
out of my mind.
Look how Amy has captured
Orchard House.
Oh, it's beautiful.
Not as beautiful
as I wanted,
but I am still learning.
Dear little angel.
Jo, you must tell me
the truth as a sister...
...which is a relation
stronger than marriage.
Do you mind at all?
Oh, no.
I was surprised.
Mind you, I had it
on good authority
that our Teddy
would never love another,
and now he's gone
and gotten married.
It's good to hear you
call me Teddy again.
At last, we're all family
as we always should have been.
You must promise me that
you will always live close by.
I couldn't bear
losing another sister.
would - voluto
learning - apprendimento
covered - coperto
friend - amico
present - presente
flour - farina
first - primo
house - casa
europe - europa
close - vicino
surprised - sorpreso
gotten - ottenuto
angel - angelo
again - ancora
still - ancora
absolutely - assolutamente
flowers - fiori
cathedrals - cattedrali
another - un altro
captured - catturato
wanted - ricercato
magic - magia
always - sempre
authority - autorità
married - sposato
beautiful - bellissimo
brussels - Bruxelles
sister - sorella
shall - deve
great - grande
lovely - bello
marriage - matrimonio
never - mai
orchard - frutteto
family - famiglia
little - piccolo
others - altri
paint - dipingere
promise - promettere
relation - relazione
should - dovrebbero
something - qualcosa
losing - perdere
stronger - più forte
teddy - orsacchiotto
truth - verità
without - senza
which - quale
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