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What about animation?
I could do cartoons.
- Dead duck walking.
Morning, Mr. Bunny.
Very hot now.
And I do voices. Listen.
Excuse me. - Hmm?
- "Fetch the stick, boy. "
"What a maroon."
"You can't handle the truth. "
Unh. Some grip, lady.
I need you to eject this duck.
Lady, this is Daffy Duck.
- Exactly.
Not anymore. We own the name.
- Oh, yeah?
You can't stop me from calling myself...
What do you know?
- You fired Daffy Duck?
No, I didn't. Well, I did.
They did.
You mean, you just were following orders.
You know what?
You don't know me.
You're Kate Houghton,
you're the VP of Comedy. Go figure.
You drive a red 1988 Alfa Romeo.
Good engine. Little
I know this
because you nearly ran me over last week.
Anyway, um, about that duck,
you want me to get rid of him still?
Duck, yes. Eject the duck, please.
- I can't do that.
Why not?
- He's gone.
Well, what are you
waiting for, backup?
Shabby job so far, constable.
Quick! After me!
Now you're gonna pay for that one.
Come here!
Dress Inspector!
- Look out!
One side, Spartacuses.
Come on.
- Daffy, stop!
Cut him off at the pass, boys.
All units in pursuit of little black duck.
Well, that's just cheating.
Come here!
Autumn in fake New York
Don't follow me.
That's not right. Cut. Cut!
That's lunch, everybody!
That airbag cost a lot of money.
- I'm okay. I'm okay.
Good morning.
Hey, Batman, you good?
All right.
waiting - in attesa
units - unità
under - sotto
truth - verità
still - ancora
shabby - squallido
romeo - romeo
right - destra
quick - veloce
fetch - andare a prendere
could - poteva
voices - voci
backup - di riserva
little - piccolo
calling - chiamata
bunny - coniglietto
engine - motore
gonna - andando
listen - ascolta
airbag - airbag
after - dopo
pursuit - ricerca
cheating - imbrogliare
animation - animazione
money - i soldi
black - nero
about - di
follow - segui
fired - licenziato
morning - mattina
autumn - autunno
handle - maniglia
nearly - quasi
anymore - più
anyway - comunque
walking - a passeggio
daffy - daffy
driven - guidato
drive - guidare
everybody - tutti
dress - vestito
cartoons - cartoni animati
batman - batman
eject - espellere
constable - poliziotto
exactly - di preciso
stick - bastone
excuse - scusa
figure - figura
following - a seguire
inspector - ispettore
lunch - pranzo
maroon - marrone
because - perché
comedy - commedia
myself - me stessa
orders - ordini
please - per favore
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