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I've been thinking about our family a lot today.
And I have something that I'd like to say.
I want to tell you...
No! Please, no. happy I am
that we're all here together.
Well, hear, hear.
We don't spend much time under the same roof,
but no matter what happens...
we are family.
Oh, God, look at Bo's shiny, little face.
Well, I think that what Grandpa is...
trying to say is...
that celebrations like this
they just kind of...
remind us of...
Irreplaceable. Irreplaceable...
So, just...
But you know what, that is enough said on that front, right?
Let's just toast to celebrations, everyone.
Okay. Cheers.
I'm hungry.
I know. I hate to say it, but Emma's not here yet.
I think we should wait.
I think it's important for us to wait for just a few minutes.
Maybe the storm has knocked out some traffic signals.
Yeah, but she's always late.
Let's just dig in! Yes. Go ahead. It's Christmas, right? Yes.
Aren't we going to say grace?
Well, just let me finish, for one second, Joe.
Dad, would you like to say grace?
Not really.
Well, maybe you'd like to listen to Bo
say grace. Bo, would you like to give thanks?
No, thanks.
Okay. You know what, I'll do it.
Oh. All right.
Dear Lord,
or whoever is listening,
thank you for this beautiful meal when there are so many who have so little.
And although I'm not with my own family tonight,
I'm grateful to be sharing Christmas with such a thoughtful,
loving family...
Oh, my God. - Jesus Christ! - Holy...
It's Rags.
Mother of God, what are you feeding that animal?
Oh, Rags. Yikes.
It's okay. At least, dinner smells good.
Right? Fabulous. - Let's dig in.
whoever - chiunque
trying - provare
under - sotto
traffic - traffico
together - insieme
toast - crostini
think - pensare
thank - ringraziare
storm - tempesta
spend - trascorrere
something - qualcosa
signals - segnali
grandpa - nonno
front - davanti
finish - finire
feeding - alimentazione
hungry - affamato
there - là
animal - animale
shiny - brillante
dinner - cena
always - sempre
about - di
beautiful - bellissimo
going - andando
listen - ascolta
tonight - stasera
matter - importa
although - sebbene
thanks - grazie
jesus - Gesù
ahead - avanti
celebrations - celebrazioni
everyone - tutti
really - veramente
smells - odori
important - importante
cheers - saluti
knocked - bussato
christmas - natale
irreplaceable - insostituibile
thinking - pensiero
christ - Cristo
enough - abbastanza
happens - accade
yikes - yikes
grace - grazia
fabulous - favoloso
happy - contento
would - voluto
least - meno
thoughtful - riflessivo
family - famiglia
grateful - grato
little - piccolo
loving - amorevole
remind - ricordare
maybe - può essere
mother - madre
please - per favore
minutes - minuti
right - destra
today - oggi
second - secondo
sharing - compartecipazione
listening - ascoltando
should - dovrebbero
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