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Mr. Holmes - A Man Comes to Baker Street (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    "Watson had married and I was alone.

    "In fact, it was on the very day
    he left Baker Street,

    "that the case which was
    to be my last began to unfold.

    "It was almost 30 years ago.
    The Great War had ended

    "and the tourists
    had come back to Baker Street

    "to catch a glimpse
    of the real Sherlock Holmes

    "Thankfully, in his stories,

    "Watson had always published
    a false address for our actual quarters."

    So you found the right address.

    - Why did you do it?
    - Sir?

    Break into my study.

    My study is my sanctum sanctorum.

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