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"Watson had married and I was alone.
"In fact, it was on the very day
he left Baker Street,
"that the case which was
to be my last began to unfold.
"It was almost 30 years ago.
The Great War had ended
"and the tourists
had come back to Baker Street
"to catch a glimpse
of the real Sherlock Holmes.
"Thankfully, in his stories,
"Watson had always published
a false address for our actual quarters."
So you found the right address.
- Why did you do it?
- Sir?
Break into my study.
My study is my sanctum sanctorum.
Private place.
Before you went to Japan,
I saw you writing that story.
I didn't know you wrote stories.
Oh, Dr Watson, yes, he was the writer.
Well, so I borrowed Mum's key and
went into your study, and there it was.
And how much did you read?
Just to where you stopped.
It was a good part too.
A man comes to Baker Street. You say,
"You've come about your wife."
How could you tell?
Did you do the thing?
What thing would that be?
"The cane shows the marks
of a dog's teeth.
"The wood is from an island
south-west of Madeira."
That thing.
And how would you tell
that a man's visit was about his wife?
He wears a wedding ring?
No. The clues are all on that page.
This sentence, to be exact.
"One day, into the room
came a young man,
"in newly-pressed,
albeit inexpensive clothes."
The clothes are freshly-pressed.
He's a young man, though.
Not expensive clothes.
Then his wife must press them.
Men don't have the talent
and he can't afford a servant to do so.
Very good.
- That's how you knew it was about
the wife. - Well, no.
When you're a detective
and a man comes to visit you...
It's usually about his wife.
young - giovane
years - anni
wrote - ha scritto
writer - scrittore
which - quale
where - dove
wears - indossa
watson - watson
visit - visita
unfold - spiegare
tourists - turisti
though - anche se
thing - cosa
teeth - denti
talent - talento
study - studia
thankfully - per fortuna
street - strada
story - storia
stopped - fermato
south - sud
ended - conclusa
sherlock - sherlock
clothes - abiti
married - sposato
break - rompere
began - iniziato
comes - viene
catch - catturare
afford - permettersi
great - grande
island - isola
expensive - costoso
detective - investigatore
wedding - nozze
before - prima
actual - effettivo
sentence - condanna, frase
clues - indizi
address - indirizzo
marks - votazione
about - di
could - poteva
exact - esatto
almost - quasi
sanctum - santuario
alone - da solo
press - stampa
usually - generalmente
private - privato
published - pubblicato
baker - panettiere
false - falso
inexpensive - economico
writing - scrittura
albeit - sebbene
found - trovato
always - sempre
japan - Giappone
freshly - kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo / zwrot do nauki.
glimpse - intravedere
would - voluto
holmes - holmes
newly - recentemente
stories - storie
borrowed - preso in prestito
quarters - alloggio
place - posto
pressed - pressato
right - destra
servant - servitore
there - là
shows - Spettacoli
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