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Murder by Decree - The Story of Annie Crook (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    I have summoned you here because you have
    made statements...

    Which affect the very existence
    of the social order of this country.

    Let me make it plain. What is at
    will not permit unconsidered actions,

    Nor injudicious statements.

    We shall take action if we must.

    And I can assure you
    that action will be effective.

    The sequence of events,
    prime minister,

    Convince me
    of your ability to take effective action.

    You have me
    at a disadvantage, mr. Holmes.

    I think it might be better if
    you tell us your story in your own way...

    And permit me to be
    the judge of whether it is true or not.

    You may take it
    to be true, sir.

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