Impara il vero inglese da film e libri.
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Later, kiddo.
Christ. You scared the crap out of me.
- Wanna hear something cool? - Sure.
Do you know what it feels like to be strangled to death?
First, you feel the pressure in your throat.
Your eyes water
and you start to taste something very, very sour in your mouth.
Then, it's like someone lights a match
right in the middle of your chest.
And that fire grows.
It fills your lungs and your throat,
and all the way behind your eyes.
And finally that fire turns to ice,
like pins and needles of ice are sticking into your fingers,
your toes, your arms.
You see stars, then darkness.
And the last thing you feel, is cold.
Goodnight, Romeo.
thing - cosa
taste - gusto
stars - stelle
something - qualcosa
scared - impaurito
romeo - romeo
fingers - dita
sticking - adesivo
goodnight - buona notte
wanna - voglio
fills - riempimenti
someone - qualcuno
feels - si sente
throat - gola
right - destra
death - morte
water - acqua
christ - Cristo
first - primo
chest - il petto
behind - dietro a
finally - finalmente
strangled - strangolato
mouth - bocca
needles - aghi
darkness - oscurità
start - inizio
middle - in mezzo
lungs - polmoni
kiddo - kiddo
later - dopo
turns - giri
match - incontro
grows - cresce
lights - luci
pressure - pressione
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Usiamo Google Traduttore su Speechyard. Per favore, seleziona la tua lingua.