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I was just an ignorant bum who read a lot at libraries to stay out of the rain.
You know, mostly day labor jobs and flophouses.
And then, after years of hustling, I finally... I managed to...
to weasel my way into a job on the sports desk
of a local paper in northern California, which was a dream,
it's just, the only problem was, I didn't know how to write.
I mean, I could read okay, but to actually type out sentences and spelling
I didn't know anything.
In the newspaper business, this could be a problem.
Yeah, the city editor found it particularly amusing
when I spelled the word "maybe," M-A-B-E.
He called me a liar and then he fired me.
So, what did you do?
Well, I... I knew that I wanted to be a writer.
And the only thing I could do was go and beg for my job back.
So, after about three days of-of begging,
he finally said, "Okay, fine. You have two weeks, no pay.
"Maybe you can learn to be a writer."
So I worked at the paper during the day
and then at night I stayed,
typing over your short stories.
I copied them word for word.
It taught me how to type,
it taught me the English language,
it taught me spelling, grammar and how to write dialogue.
It taught me how to see.
- Smart. - It changed my life.
writer - scrittore
write - scrivi
which - quale
weasel - donnola
typing - digitando
three - tre
thing - cosa
taught - insegnato
particularly - soprattutto
english - inglese
during - durante
learn - imparare
dialogue - dialogo
amusing - divertente
begging - accattonaggio
could - poteva
years - anni
fired - licenziato
copied - copiato
worked - lavorato
after - dopo
stories - storie
newspaper - giornale
actually - in realtà
problem - problema
about - di
editor - editore
business - attività commerciale
anything - qualsiasi cosa
found - trovato
called - chiamato
finally - finalmente
short - corto
california - California
hustling - spacciare
ignorant - ignorante
labor - lavoro
language - lingua
spelled - farro
dream - sognare
libraries - librerie
wanted - ricercato
local - locale
grammar - grammatica
managed - gestito
sentences - frasi
flophouses - infimo ordine
maybe - può essere
spelling - ortografia
mostly - soprattutto
night - notte
northern - settentrionale
changed - cambiato
paper - carta
weeks - settimane
smart - inteligente
sports - gli sport
stayed - rimasto
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