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Citizens On Patrol. What a joke.
You know what C.O.P. really
stands for, Proctor?
Uh, no, sir. What?
Collection Of Pissants.
That's not funny, Proctor.
- No, sir.
This citizen-action
crap is a disaster,
a bad idea, and I'm
going to prove it.
Yes, sir.
Excuse me. Excuse me, everyone.
I mean, not everyone...
Attention! Excuse me.
Move it!
- Everybody, come over here!
- Hooks.
Stop embarrassing the
Police Department
and join your civilian buddies.
May I have your attention, please?
Hooks, the tank!
- I'm so sorry.
- You dimwit!
Today, Hooks, today.
Now, take your little munchkin voice
and go away.
Shoo, shoo, shoo!
Listen up!
This is the proper procedure...
...for administering oxygen.
You place the mask securely
about the face
of the patient...
and then have them
breathe deeply.
Now, that is the way it's done
in Capt. Harris' precinct.
What the hell?
voice - voce
today - oggi
stands - stand
sorry - scusa
securely - in modo sicuro
procedure - procedura
proper - corretto
place - posto
pissants - pissants
patient - paziente
oxygen - ossigeno
citizens - cittadini
proctor - censore
hooks - Ganci
police - polizia
buddies - amici
citizen - cittadino
please - per favore
civilian - civile
embarrassing - imbarazzante
precinct - recinto
about - di
everybody - tutti
action - azione
everyone - tutti
really - veramente
prove - dimostrare
attention - attenzione
patrol - pattuglia
going - andando
listen - ascolta
little - piccolo
collection - collezione
breathe - respirare
deeply - profondamente
dimwit - scemo
disaster - disastro
administering - somministrazione
department - dipartimento
excuse - scusa
munchkin - munchkin
funny - divertente
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