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Red Lights - Lecture (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    and draw your hands
    toward your body,

    the outer two table lengths are going
    to go up like a schoolgirl's dress.

    You can even stick
    the edge of your shoe

    under one
    of the table legs

    and, by pressing down
    firmly with your hands

    and lifting your foot
    at the same time,

    you can make the whole
    table come off the ground.

    It just takes a little bit of
    muscle and a whole lot of practice.

    So, with the right
    partner in crime,

    you can put on quite a show.

    The setting is important.
    Keep it dark,

    always, under
    any pretext whatsoever.

    Clicca una parola o evidenzia una frase per visualizzare la traduzione


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