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and draw your hands
toward your body,
the outer two table lengths are going
to go up like a schoolgirl's dress.
You can even stick
the edge of your shoe
under one
of the table legs
and, by pressing down
firmly with your hands
and lifting your foot
at the same time,
you can make the whole
table come off the ground.
It just takes a little bit of
muscle and a whole lot of practice.
So, with the right
partner in crime,
you can put on quite a show.
The setting is important.
Keep it dark,
always, under
any pretext whatsoever.
The spirits demand it,
you need to concentrate--
I know what you are thinking.
It's not scientific.
But you need darkness to develop
a photograph, don't you?
Miss Owen?
So are you saying that
all paranormal phenomena
are frauds
without any exception?
Actually, no, I'm not.
The majority simply have
a natural explanation
or are the result
of subjective interpretation.
But how do you
establish proper controls?
It's not difficult.
In a case like this one, without
any special preparation,
we would sit the medium
against the wall
and place two cards
behind his elbows.
Then if he moves his
arms to shift the table,
the cards will fall.
If the cards
remain in place,
only the spirit of a very friendly
stagehand is gonna be moving that table.
That's the principle.
whole - totale
under - sotto
takes - prende
spirits - spiriti
spirit - spirito
shift - cambio
subjective - soggettivo
setting - ambientazione
scientific - scientifico
saying - detto
result - risultato
remain - rimanere
quite - abbastanza
proper - corretto
special - speciale
exception - eccezione
going - andando
lengths - lunghezze
would - voluto
majority - maggioranza
table - tavolo
develop - sviluppare
friendly - amichevole
always - sempre
actually - in realtà
important - importante
principle - principio
photograph - fotografia
whatsoever - qualsiasi
elbows - gomiti
gonna - andando
moves - si muove
behind - dietro a
right - destra
crime - crimine
cards - carte
frauds - frodi
dress - vestito
controls - controlli
hands - mani
without - senza
against - contro
explanation - spiegazione
concentrate - concentrarsi
difficult - difficile
stagehand - macchinista
ground - terra
interpretation - interpretazione
lifting - sollevamento
phenomena - fenomeni
little - piccolo
thinking - pensiero
establish - stabilire
medium - medio
firmly - fermamente
moving - in movimento
simply - semplicemente
muscle - muscolo
stick - bastone
natural - naturale
outer - esterno
toward - verso
paranormal - paranormale
partner - compagno
demand - richiesta
place - posto
preparation - preparazione
darkness - oscurità
practice - pratica
pressing - urgente
pretext - pretesto
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