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Frank Moses.
You know, coming up through the ranks, you were my hero.
Given enough time, I guess everyone cracks. Huh, Frank?
- Who are you? - Me?
I'm the guy the government hires to get information.
And I'm allowed to use any form of torture I deem fit.
And I will torture Sarah until you speak.
Speaking of Sarah, I love watching her
shave her legs in the tub.
Kinda reminds me of these Belgian mercs I met in the Congo.
They would skin people alive to get them to talk.
And do you know where they started? Guess.
At the ankles. Just like your Sarah.
You either give me the information that I need to know...
Or I'm gonna fillet your girl from head to toe with no mercy.
Pretty good for a retired guy. But are you... 1-2-3-4-5-6...
7-on-1 cuffed with no weapon good?
Shoot him, but don't kill him.
All right, kill him. Spray it up.
Frank, this is your last chance. Fire.
Get in there! Go!
would - voluto
where - dove
until - fino a
torture - tortura
through - attraverso
spray - spray
speaking - a proposito di
shoot - sparare
weapon - arma
shave - farsi la barba
reminds - ricorda
started - iniziato
pretty - bella
people - persone
mercy - misericordia
right - destra
cracks - crepe
either - o
congo - congo
moses - Mosé
alive - vivo
coming - venuta
retired - pensionato
chance - opportunità
these - queste
ranks - ranghi
ankles - caviglie
frank - franco
there - là
allowed - permesso
belgian - belga
enough - abbastanza
mercs - mercs
kinda - tipo
everyone - tutti
watching - guardando
fillet - filetto
government - governo
given - dato
speak - parlare
cuffed - ammanettato
gonna - andando
guess - indovina
sarah - sarah
hires - assunzioni
information - informazione
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