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It is important that...
- You see him? - ...know work ethic.
- It's a bunch of puppies. - ...he will want to play.
But he also wants to please you.
Teach him to work, to work well, and in the end that is all your dog will want.
- Michaels, what are you doing? - I'm nothing, sir.
Is Agent forty four your pet?
- No, sir. - No, he's not. He's an FBI agent.
Yes, sir.
You wouldn't tickle a fellow agent's underbelly.
No, sir.
You don't see me tickling Agent Cassavettes' underbelly, do you?
- No, sir. - No, you do not!
People, get this to your head! This is not a drill!
These dogs will save your life one day.
Agent Eleven saved mine several times.
So, don't tickle my animals.
All canine agents wear an Invisible Fence collar...
...which gives a shock, designed to get his attention.
Since we work exclusively with hand signals...
sometimes it is necessary to prompt the dog to look back.
This causes serious discomfort.
For the dog's safety
the collar has a voltage regulator to prevent power surges.
Never introduce a metal object or you'll light your animal up like a Christmas Tree.
A demonstration of the shock collar by the most decorated canine in FBI history.
- Eleven! - That's him!
- You sure? - Oh, yeah.
Yeah, a little older maybe, but that's him.
- Attack! - Come to Papa. Now!
- You said, "Now". - I meant now "now", not "now"!
which - quale
wants - vuole
underbelly - sotto la pancia
tickling - solletico
tickle - solletico
these - queste
surges - sovratensioni
sometimes - a volte
signals - segnali
several - parecchi
serious - grave
saved - salvato
safety - sicurezza
since - da
agents - agenti
fellow - compagno
exclusively - esclusivamente
discomfort - sconforto
collar - collare
drill - trapano
bunch - mazzo
shock - shock
decorated - decorato
attention - attenzione
animals - animali
attack - attacco
ethic - etica
prompt - richiesta
important - importante
animal - animale
canine - canino
fence - recinto
history - storia
agent - agente
causes - cause
metal - metallo
doing - fare
teach - insegnare
designed - progettato
older - più vecchio
christmas - natale
forty - quaranta
gives - dà
light - leggero
little - piccolo
michaels - michaels
demonstration - dimostrazione
people - persone
voltage - voltaggio
maybe - può essere
introduce - introdurre
invisible - invisibile
meant - significava
never - mai
nothing - niente
necessary - necessario
regulator - regolatore
object - oggetto
please - per favore
times - volte
power - energia
eleven - undici
prevent - impedire
puppies - cuccioli
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